Quality Policy

The quality policy of SIRIS Academic aims at achieving the full satisfaction of our customers when meeting their expectations and needs. 

It is aligned with the objectives of the SIRIS Foundation, namely to:
• Support research, education and innovation as fundamental actions for the common good;
• Promote open science and open government, to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in a broad, inclusive and cross-cutting way;
• Support the use of scientific evidence for decision-making and public investment.

For this reason, our Quality Policy is compliant with the Charter between  the SIRIS Foundation and SIRIS Academic, and notably with its policies in terms of: 
• Working conditions and human resources
• Ethics and integrity, including transparency
• Innovation and research
• Openness: open data, open science and open innovation
• Internal governance

SIRIS Academic works with academic institutions, and/or with institutions dedicated to research, education, innovation, territorial development. The creation of the company was driven by the conviction that these fields of action are key to long-lasting improvement of public welfare. This conviction was and remains our backbone.

SIRIS Academic therefore considers it fundamental to deliver quality services to its clients, and to consolidate its expertise in support of these services. Financial profit is not regarded as an end per se, but as a way to reach these objectives. 

The priority of SIRIS Academic is to establish a strong relationship of trust with clients. Our commitment is to show constant reliability, confidentiality, availability and adaptability. Our clients are confident that they can always count on us. 

This attitude is also a strong differentiating factor.

On this basis, the philosophy that guides our quality policy is based on the following points:
  • with respect to the interaction with the clients:
    • meet the specific needs of each client, providing the most appropriate solutions in each case, and using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods and tools;
    • make sure, during the commercial phase, that the client agrees with our way of providing advice, namely by adopting a critical posture whenever we feel that it is in the best interest of the project;
    • provide at all times independent, transparent and evidence-based expertise;
    • act as an impartial mediator and serve the best interests of all stakeholders engaged into complex projects;
    • which implies: continuous contact with customers, to detect and comment on their needs, as a basis for the continuous improvement of our services; constant concern for customer satisfaction; high level of flexibility;
  • with respect to Project management and quality:
    • proceed to a careful supervision of services and products at all stages of the processes;
    • meet deadlines, and be flexible to adjust to time constraints;
    • quickly resolve any incident, giving immediate knowledge of it to the client;
    • provide a helpful and friendly treatment at all times;
    • respect confidentiality, anticipate any possible conflict of interest and communicate them to the client; 
    • which implies: proper maintenance of our infrastructure and databases; application of the Quality Management System, in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001 standards, to guarantee the quality and improvement of services; improvement strategy based on anticipation of risks and opportunities;
  • with respect to the long-term development of the knowledge of the company:
    • enrich constantly our expertise of the academic and territorial environment by developing original research on relevant topics;
    • lead an activity of dissemination of this research by participating in public debate;
    • make a responsible use of Artificial intelligence techniques;
    • which implies: continuous staff training;
  • with respect to our behavior as employer and social actor:
    • be a responsible company, applying fair principles in terms of human resources policies, environmental policies on inclusivity;
    • which implies: team cohesion and collective adherence to SIRIS values.
This policy reflects the convictions of SIRIS Academic, and is therefore shared and assumed by all of its members. A set of specific objectives are defined on a yearly basis in order to meet and implement these principles. 

SIRIS Academic Partners (Junta de socios)
Solange CHAVEL
Sebastian STRIDE

Barcelona, 18 of May 2017
Revised 3rd of October 2018
Revised December 29th 2020
Revised November 2nd 2021
Revised February 16th 2024
Revised May 23rd 2024